Thematic Unit of Excellence on Computational Materials Science
S. N. Bose National Centre for basic Sciences

Cray High Perfoming Computing Facility educating users

:Mr. Bhushan Awasarmol
  ,S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata,

: 14th December, 2015
: 11:30 AM
: Fermion (LH-3)
:Cray High Perfoming Computing Facility educating users

Abstract: Users of the Cray Supercomputing facility should be aware of the software and hardware details. Users face many difficulties which are common for all the users. Such difficulties need to be addressed. Many tricks and better implementation of the submit scripts, small utilities help users to improve their performance. Serial users need to be educated for the maximum use of the resources while submitting a job. All such user and administrator related common issues need to be addressed regularly through such seminars. Various commands of the scheduler help users to handle their job submission in a better way. Knowing the unnoticed resources can be used by the users once educated. Users are made aware of restricted resources.
